About Class 4

Our Classes

Class 4
Class 4 


Welcome to Year 4,


Mrs Thomas, Mrs Medlin and Mrs Garland warmly welcome you into Class 4.

As a class team, we are always supporting each other to strive to ‘Be the best we can be’.

In Year 4 all kinds of exciting learning takes place, covering subjects such as the Vikings, alongside digestion and electricity. We learn about the local heritage of our lovely village, Mylor Bridge and topics further afield such as the rainforest and South America.  A particular focus in maths this year is knowing all of our times tables and we work hard to make learning these fun, with songs and games. English continues to build on learning from Year 3. Examples of what the children will be writing are diaries, defeating a monster stories, a newspaper report, persuasive writing and poetry.

In Year 4 we pride ourselves on working alongside our community to support our learning and will continue this with visits to the church and receiving visitors to enrich our learning.  We are very lucky to be located in a beautiful village. Class 4 is known for our many exciting outings and trips! One of the trips we always look forward to, is the St Piran’s day parade in March. Everyone wears colours of the St Piran's flag and we dance around Falmouth which is great fun! We have a residential trip in September, will be learning to play brass instruments and of course- excitingly, we learn to sail on the beautiful Helford River- a real hi-light of Class 4!


What to expect in Year 4

Year 4 is a special year group where the children continue to take more control of their own learning  and continue to develop Resilience, Resourcefulness, Relationships and Reflection skills- our 4 R's!

We provide opportunities for children to develop their own skills but, more importantly, there is the chance for children to develop their collaborative skills to become strong team members who are able to support each other in their learning.



Please encourage your child to read aloud to an adult, as well as start to read independently. Your child will bring home reading books and of course, they can also read books you have at home.

Children should be encouraged to talk to adults about the books they are reading; discuss reading choices and features of the book. It is also great to read books by the same author and compare the similarities and differences. 


Spelling are sent home every week and there is a weekly spelling test to check that children have learned these spellings.


In Year 4 since 2020 children complete a Multiplication Tables Check in June which is set by the DFE. It is used to assess how many children know and have quick recall of multiplication facts to 12 X12. In order to ensure that children are ready for this assessment. We use many games including Top Marks (Hit the Button) and Timestables Rockstars (TTRS) to challenge the children and hone their skills.  


See https://ttrockstars.com for further chances to practise. 
 In the Autumn Term, we learn all about:
History: The Anglo-Saxon and Viking Struggle
Science: States of matter, the Water Cycle and the Digestive System 
Music: 1970's pop music! Christmas Songs.
DT: Seasonal biscuits Seasonal food - visiting our community garden, harvesting and cooking vegetables.
DT: Sling shot Cars
Art: Drawing, Sense of Proportion, Wax Resist and Power Prints 
Computing: Online safety and Coding
Geography: Comparative Study - Scandinavia
RE: What is the Holy Trinity and What do Hindus believe God is like? 
PSHE: Being Me and Celebrating Difference
PE: Personal skills, Social skills, invasion games and Gymnastics
Knowledge Organisers can also be found on our class pages to help understand the learning that will be taking place.
In the Spring Term we learn all about:
Geography: Our Local Area and compare to Contrasting Locality in UK
History: Tudors, focus on Locality: Pendennis Castle
Science: Electricity and Sound
DT: Torches
Art: Painting and Mixed Media: Light and Dark
PSHE: Dreams and Goals/ Healthy Me
RE: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? Holy Week and why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'?
Music: 'Stop' and Lean on Me.
Computing: Spreadsheets and safe/effective internet searching 
PE: Cognitive skills, Creative skills, Dance (Bollywood), Hockey and Maypole
In the Summer term we learn all about:
Science - Animals and their habitats
Geography - Pendennis Local Study
Art- Sculpture and 3D: Mega Materials. Barbara Hepworth Study.
PSHE- Healthy Me
RE: What was the impact of Pentecost on Christians? How and why do significant events affect our lives?
Music- soul music with Lean on Me by Bill Withers
Computing- using digital resources to make music
French: Names of shops
PE: Applying physical skills, Health and fitness skills, Cricket and Athletics