About Class 5 and Autumn Knowledge Organisers

Our Classes

Class 5
Class 5 

Class 5 is taught by Mr. Martin and we are also lucky enough the be joined by Miss Short. We currently have 21 children in class five. 

There is a busy year in front of us. As we are the penultimate year before the children move to secondary school, the children will be expected to draw on previous learning from other year groups to further progress and become ready for their final year in primary school.  I know all of the children will strive to be the best they can be by developing their four learning powers of: building relationships, building resilience, being resourceful and being reflective.

Homework will be focused on learning their times tables off by heart and remaining sharp, learning their spellings for a weekly dictation and reading a minimum of sixty pages a week. 

Children should wear their PE kits to school on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

The books below will be used as a whole class text focus.  

Who let the Gods out

The Island at the end of everything

A kind of Spark

Boy in the Tower

Amari and the Night Brothers


Cloud Busting

For other texts that we will be using throughout the year, please see our reading pathway.


Expectations in year 5

We are the first year group in upper Key Stage 2. We’ve really grown in maturity and are ready to take on even more learning challenges with a positive attitude and a ‘can do’ mindset. Although we’re not yet the oldest children in the school, we understand the importance of leading by example through our excitement and enjoyment of learning.


Your child should be reading every night, aloud to an adult as well as reading to themselves. Children should have both a reading book and their diaries at all times.  Please remember to sign the reading record when you hear them read! Children should be reading a minimum of 60 pages a week. Reading will be monitored in school by regular reading diary checks and the use of AR reader.


Spellings are practised on a daily basis through EdShed (web-based resource) and in their writing. Weekly spelling lists are sent home and spelling dictations are set weekly (undertaken on Fridays)to assess children's understanding and retention of spelling patterns learned. 


Having a rapid recall of times tables and associated facts is essential for other areas of maths' learning by reducing cognitive load. We use a precision times table scheme from the NCTEM and TT Rockstars to rehearse these number facts.  Periodically we’ll send home activities or signpost resources that will support children with their mathematics learning.


Foundation subjects.

Children will progress in the skills needed to be a historian, geographer, musician or artist. They will undertake high quality PE lessons and be given sporting opportunities in which to excel. In their PSHE sessions, there will be relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. Children will learn about keeping themselves safe online as well as a full programme of computing and ICT skills. They will build on the foundations of French learnt in year three and four to become more confident in using the language.

This year the children will be improving their enquiry skills by participating in our - 'One Big Question' weeks. 


Timetable - Term 2.2
Please download a copy of this half-term's timetable below
AR reading quiz
You will be able to undertake your AR reading quizzes by typing the following address in to the email address bar:
The Autumn Term
In the autumn term our learning focus is: 
  • Story openings - Writing to entertain
  • Newspaper reports. - Writing to inform
  • Ancient Myths - Writing to entertain
  • Non chronological reports - Writing to inform
  •  Place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Statistics – taught in Geography
  • Multiplication and division
  • Perimeter and area
  • The Earth and Space
  • Forces
  • ESafety
  • Coding
  • Spreadsheets
  • The continents and the British Isles
  • Greece and the Aegean Islands
  • Mechanical systems - making a pop-up book
  • Architecture 
  • Art and design skills - packaging collage
  • Ancient Greece
  • Rock - Livin on a Prayer - Bonjovi 
  • Jazz and Swing
  • Christianity - what does God mean to a Christian?
  • What it is like to be a Muslim living in Great Britain today?
  • Being in my world
  • Celebrating difference 
Times Table Practice Sheets