About Class 3

Our Classes

Class 3
Class 3 
We have 20 in our Year 3 children in Class 3. Mrs Mogridge teaches this class, supported by Mrs Stevens and Miss Short.
This year, we will be having lots of fun learning stories with actions, looking at place value, addition and subtraction, learning about the Stone Age in History, Humans including Animals, Rocks and Soils in Science, Comparing and contrasting localities around UK and the  world, and LOADS, LOADS more ! 

What to Expect in Year 3

Being the first year group in Key Stage 2 (Juniors), this is the year where children get used to new routines and new ways of learning. We put all our knowledge learned in the Infants and are ready to grow in resilience and show a more mature attitude towards our learning, but we still try and be playful in everything we do!


Your child should be reading every night – aloud to an adult as well as starting to read to themselves.

Children should have a reading book on them at all times and please remember to sign the reading record when you hear them read! Children use the Accelerated Reader programme to quiz books which they have read and work towards an individual target. 


Spellings are assessed on a daily basis through games and in their writing. Please can you practise your spellings at home, ready for a spelling test every Friday. 




In Year 4 from 2020 children will complete a Multiplication Tables Check - set by the DFE. This check is used to assess how many children know and have quick recall of multiplication facts to 12x12. In order to ensure that children are ready for this check, in Year 3 we continue to use the 99 Club and Timetable Rockstars to challenge the children and hone these skills. 
See https://ttrockstars.com for further chances to practise