Information on Reading with your Child
Safeguarding and Education Websites for Parents
School Meals Menu
School Uniform
Starting School Information
Times of the School Day
Hearing Your Child Read
Before You Start to Read
If it is a new book…
- What do you think it is going to be about?
- Let’s look at the front cover for some clues.
- What is in the picture?
- What is the title?
- Let’s read the blurb on the back.
If your child is already reading the book…
- Can you tell me what has happened in the story so far?
- Which character(s) do you like? Dislike? Why?
Completing the Reading Diary
- Write the title of the book, the date and the pages read
- Write a short comment on how well your child read
- Write down any words they found tricky
- Sign the record so that staff know who heard the child read
Questions to Check Understanding