Welcome back to the Spring term in Class 1!
In the first half term, our topic is The Polar regions and in the second half, our topic is The Great Fire of London.
In English for the first half of term, we will look at the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers and write our version of the story about a lion from Africa.
In the second half, we will look at a poem about the Great Fire of London and write a recount.
In Maths, Reception children will continue to develop a deep understanding of numbers to 5.
Year 1 will work on subtraction, counting back, finding a difference.
We will learn about 2D and 3D shapes, their names and their properties.
In our ‘Scientists and Inventors’ unit, we will learn about famous scientists and inventors linked to the Y1 science curriculum. We will learn about the inventions of Lego and ear muffs, and will explore the materials used to make them. We will investigate other materials that keep us warm, carrying out simple tests. We will find out about the work of animal scientists, such as vets and zoo keepers and will group and sort animals to make our own paper zoo, and will act in role as a vet, identifying the body parts of different animals. We will have the opportunity to collect data when finding out about horticulturists and meteorologists and will create bar charts of our favourite sensory plants.
In our ‘Seasonal Changes (Spring and Summer)’ unit we will learn about spring and summer. We will continue to use a class weather station to observe, measure and record the weather in different seasons and will start to make comparisons between two seasons, as well as across all four seasons. We will also observe changes across the seasons by exploring the signs of spring and summer through nature and wildlife. A range of learning activities are used in this unit, including observation, discussion and learning outside. We will also work scientifically by collecting, recording and interpreting simple data.
In Geography, we will use maps to locate the Arctic circle. We will learn about the climate in the Arctic, and describe physical and human features. We will learn about the animals that live there. Finally, we use what we have learnt, to compare the Arctic and the United Kingdom.
We will be learning about how Christians believe others should care for others and the world. We will read stories from the Bible and find out about significant people who have cared for others. We will learn about charities and how they help others.
We will explore: family, friends, people and music from around the world.
We will be learning about dreams and goals. We will discuss challenge, setting goals and how it feels when you have success.
This half term we will be working on balance. We will learn to balance from a seated position and then as we move.
In our 'Art and design skills' unit, we will learn and develop our skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; undertaking two different printing techniques, using 2D shapes to explore a variety of media, mixing different shades of one colour and discussing the work of artist Louis Wain
In our 'Wheels and Axles' unit, we will learn about the main components of a wheeled vehicle; experiment with mechanisms to help them develop our understanding of how wheels, axels and axel holders work; assume the role of a mechanic to problem-solve why wheels won't rotate; demonstrate learning by designing and building our own moving vehicles.