23-24 - Cycle B - Autumn Learning

Our Classes

Autumn 1 - Me in My World
This half term, as the title of our topic suggests, we are focusing on ourselves and where we live. 
We will be learning about where we live in the world, particularly finding out about the United Kingdom (countries, capital cities and surrounding seas). We will also investigate maps, learning how to read and create them, ending by using our newly acquired knowledge and skills to create a map of Mylor. 
In Science, we will be finding out about animals including humans, learning about life cycles, basic needs of animals and humans and keeping ourselves healthy. 
If you would like to find out more about our learning this half term, take look at the knowledge organisers on the right. These outline the knowledge and skills we will learn this half term.
Autumn 2 - Technology Through Time
Our topic this half term, will have a History focus, as we learn about how and why technology has changed and developed over the last century. We will investigate technology from the past by looking at artefacts, then find out how they have been innovated and evolved. We will look at audio technology to illustrate this, learning how people have listened to music, from records in the early 1900s to online streaming that many of us use now.
In Science, we will be learning about everyday materials and their uses. We will explore why particular materials are more suited to specific jobs than others and carry out experiments to test this. 
If you would like to find out more about our learning this half term, take look at the knowledge organisers on the right. These outline the knowledge and skills we will learn this half term.